BHN - Bourbon Harrison & Nicholas Counties
FTSB provides comfortable, affordable public transportation to all residents of Bourbon, Harrison, and Nicholas Counties.
Our drivers are friendly and trained professionals who make it their priority to get you to your destination safely and timely. FTSB works to your advantage providing door-to-door service at a reasonable rate. FTSB charges $1 a mile for trips. Our buses have plenty of leg room and are wheelchair-lift equipped.
FTSB is a transit provider that covers the counties it serves and can transport anyone who needs a ride. We provide a convenient way to get around town whether you need to go to dialysis, the grocery store, work, doctors appointments, or to meet friends for lunch.
Please call (859) 258-2722 or toll free at (888) 848-0989 to set up your ride today!
FTSB buses participating in the annual Bourbon County Christmas Parade
Who Can Ride?
BHN Public Transportation Service is available to all residents of Bourbon, Harrison, and Nicholas Counties.
What are your drop-off and pick-up locations?
BHN Public Transportation Service offers a demand-response service. If you need to run errands or go to the grocery, we can take you. If you need to go to work, go to the doctor, or are meeting a friend for lunch and you need a ride, we can take you.
What days do you run?
BHN Public Transportation Service runs weekly, Monday - Friday. Trips start between 5 - 6 AM and end between 7 - 8 PM. Saturday service is available from 5 am - 6 pm.
Extended hours are available.
For schedule questions, please call (859) 258-2722 or toll free (888) 848-0989.
How much does it cost?
Trips cost $1 per mile with a $2 one-way minimum.
For additional information, please call (888) 848-0989 or click on the separate tabs.
FTSB also offers an InterCity Bus Service to Lexington, KY for residents of Bourbon, Harrison, and Nicholas Counties. Please click on the InterCity Bus Route link for more information on that service.
For TTD please call: (800) 648-6057
Service Area & Fares
Public Transportation trips in Bourbon, Harrison, and Nicholas Counties are $1 / mile and
$2 minimum per one way trip.
Please have the exact fare when you the board the bus. All FTSB buses have fare boxes that accept dollar bills and coins. Drivers are not allowed to make change.
Services Available to Bourbon, Harrison, and Nicholas Counties
The federal government, recognizing the nation’s limited access to medical treatment in rural areas, has established grants to help provide transportation from rural areas to treatment facilities.
Through these grants and other programs FTSB offers a number of transportation options. First, the company has a route that runs from Carlisle, to Cynthiana and Paris and then to Lexington. Additionally, the service provides Medicaid transportation for medical treatment.
Demand Response Service
FTSB provides comfortable, affordable public transportation to all residents of Bourbon, Harrison and Nicholas counties.
Our drivers are friendly and trained professionals who make it their priority to get you to your destination safely and promptly. FTSB works to your advantage providing door-to-door service at a reasonable rate. FTSB charges $1 a mile for trips. Our buses have plenty of leg room and are wheelchair-lift equipped.
FTSB is a transit provider that transports anyone who needs a ride. We provide a convenient way to get around in the service area, whether you need to go to dialysis, the grocery store, work, doctors appointments or to meet friends for lunch.
Please call (859) 258-2722 or toll free at (888) 848-0989 to set up your ride today!
The service also offers a Demand-Response service to transport clients to work, grocery shopping, medical appointments, or even the airport at a cost of $1 per mile (minimum $2 for a one way trip.
The service is not limited to Medicare / Medicaid recipients.
Monthly passes are available at a cost of $40 that will provide transportation to your job or to advanced training and education.
The service is also available for any other special interest group. If the Senior Citizen Center plans a monthly shopping trip to Walmart in Cynthiana or Paris….(Any special interest group could take advantage of the service – ie, church groups, sports teams, etc.) Buses can often accommodate larger groups as well.
Who Can Ride?
The BHN Public Transportation Service is available to all residents of Bourbon, Harrison and Nicholas counties.
What are the drop-off and pick-up locations?
BHN Public Transportation offers a demand-response service. If you need to run errands or go to the grocery, we can take you. If you need to go to work, go to the doctor, or meeting a friend for lunch we can take you.
What days does the bus run?
BHN Public Transportation service runs, Monday - Saturday 5 am - 6 pm.
Trips start between 5 - 6 am and end between 7 - 8 pm.
Extended hours are available.
How much does it cost?
Trips cost $1 per mile with a $2 one-way minimum.
BHN InterCity Bus Service
InterCity Bus
The InterCity bus service is available to bring riders from Bourbon, Harrison and Nicholas Counties to Lexington.
Beginning January 1, 2019, please call one day in advance to schedule InterCity transportation. There will be no interruption of current service. This is to ensure that we better and more efficiently serve you.
Schedule of Arrivals and Departures for Lexington:
What time does the bus leave?
Carlisle - Save A Lot 9 am
Cynthiana - Walmart 9:30 am
Paris - Walmart 10 am
The bus will make its final stop at the Paris Walmart before departing to Lexington.
The InterCity bus runs daily Monday-Friday.
Where does the bus drop-off?
LexTran Transit Center 10:30 am
Greyhound Bus Station 11 am
Bluegrass Airport 11:30 am
What time does the bus return to Paris, Carlisle or Cynthiana?
When you are dropped off in Lexington, please let the driver know what time you need to be picked back up.
What if I am not returning on the same day?
If you are taking an extended trip, we have return trip cards for you to fill out so we can schedule your trip back home. This will help us schedule your pick-up for your return trip. You can also call our office to schedule your return ride.
How much does it cost to ride?
The cost for the InterCity bus is $5 for one-way trips and $10 for a round trip.
Additional Information
Please note that in order to receive a return trip, your trip needs to originate with the InterCity Bus Service.
BHN Job & Education Rides Service
BHN Transportation serves residents in Bourbon, Harrison and Nicholas Counties.
This transportation service is available to individuals who would like transportation to places of employment, college or GED classes, job interviews, job training, etc.
Monthly passes are available at a cost of $30 or $40 that will provide transportation to your job or to advanced training and education.
How do I reserve a ride with FTSB?
If you would like to ride with FTSB, please call our office at (859) 258-2722 or you can call toll free at (888) 848-0989.
You will be greeted with a prompt, so listen carefully in order to be transferred to the correct department.
Press 1 for instructions in English or
Press 2 for instructions in Spanish.
Then Press Then Press 3 for trips in Bourbon, Harrison and Nicholas Counties.
Where do I get picked up?
Bourbon County - Paris Walmart
Harrison County - Cynthiana Walmart
Nicholas County - Carlisle Save-A-Lot
Rules of the Road
1. Public Transit Riders – Pay the correct fare when boarding.
2. Respect others at all times.
3. No profane or vulgar language on FTSB properties.
4. Do not defecate, urinate or release other body fluids on the bus.
5. No radios unless headphones are used and noise will not disturb other passengers.
6. Do not physically or verbally abuse, threaten or attack other passengers or the bus operator.
7. Do not board the bus under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
8. Do not engage in lewd or offensive conduct or indecent exposure.
9. Do not place anything on the floor that may roll or move when unattended.
10. Properly controlled “service animals” accompanying disabled persons are the only animals permitted.
11. Be polite, leave the front seat available for senior citizens and disabled people.
12. Prohibited items include, but not limited to: Guns, Hazardous Materials, Explosives, Knives and Dangerous Liquids.
13. Reduced Fare Passengers must present required identification upon boarding, or pay the full fare.
14. No smoking, drinking or eating in FTSB vehicles.
15. All passengers must respect the comfort of others sensitive to fragrances and consider a “scent free” environment.
16. All passengers are required to abide by applicable safety belt regulations.
17. Please remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop for disembarking.
18. All passengers must be fully clothed; including shirts and shoes must be worn at all time.
19. Keep aisle clear; fold and stow strollers for the safety of your child and other passengers.
20. Do not stick hands, arms or head out of window.
21. Never cross in front of a bus.
22. Keep feet off of seats and do not take up more than one seat.
Violations of the above code of conduct may be reported to the local authorities for disposition.
Buses are equipped with audio / video recording devices. Violators forfeit any unused portion of pass, ticket or cash fee.
These rules are in place to ensure that all passengers will have a safe and pleasant trip while riding FTSB. Thank you for your cooperation.
Questions or concerns contact FTSB at 1-888-848-0989